Saturday, March 13, 2010

When Angels fly........Preface

When you get that call in the night, you know, the one that changes your life forever; rips your heart out of your chest and you just can't believe it will never beat again, in rhythm, with another.

You hold a memorial and say good-bye, bury your loved one in the ground, along with your life as you knew it. Because it's all different now, nothing is the same, not even your choices. How can you believe you will be alright; when nothings right. There's no going back; and somehow there's no moving forward, trapped in the dark shadows of your former life.

That's when you are left with only one choice. To find your Angel, cry in their arms until you feel the warmth of love again. Remember, if God sends an Angel to take your loved one home, he never fails to send one more, to love and comfort you.

                                             by Kim Sirrah 

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful, Kim. I look forward to reading more.
